Hey there!
Wow, time flies! Well, this week was really good. We are starting to back into the swing of things now that Ferragosto is finished. We also got some new investigators this week. Both have been taught before, but we are gonna try again.
I have been learning recently a little more about missionary work, and I have started to do it differently. Missionary work is teaching principles of the Gospel simply and effectively. How did Christ do it? He would talk and give discourses, He would teach people, but most of all He was a light and a strength for others. And when he talked with someone, He could discern their thoughts and He would help them feel peace. That is what I am beginning to see - that Missionary work is not so much the looking for people to baptize, but finding and helping people who are looking for and/or need to change their lives. It's about being a light and an anchor point for others. Then they will follow you. But only if you invite. "People will seldom change unless invited to do so." PMG
I have been reading a book called 'Teaching, No Greater Call." It is really good! Also 'Jesus The Christ." What a blessing it is to have this Gospel! It brings peace into my life that I can't find anywhere else! Even if things are not going too well, I don't have to worry. Life is good.
I don't have anything to say! Haha, I am writing a letter that will hopefully give you some more "insight" into my life. Haha, until then, know that I love you and I am thinking about and praying for you. Take care!
Love always, Anziano Rigby